Test tools

With a professional background in calibrations of hydrographic and geodetic equipment I like to learn as much as possible about the calibration and testing options in astronomy. Apart from the usual tools like Cheshire and concentric eyepieces, collimation laser, etc., I have constructed a Foucault test apparatus and a Bath-interferometer. The latter was done with help of the Almere public observatory. Both tools were used to test two of the Newton-telescopes in the observatory.
In order to test collimation at a higher level I created a collimator using SkyWatcher Explorer 300PDS.
Later on I added a single-pass photographic Ronchi and finally a DPAC (Double Pass Auto-Collimation) set-up to do on-axis Ronchi-, Foucault- and star-tests.

If you have any questions and/or remarks please let me know.

Bath interferometer.
Figure 1: Bath interferometer.
Foucault test apparatus.
Figure 2: Foucault test apparatus.

Single-pass Rocnhi-test set-up.
Figure 3: Single-pass Rocnhi-test set-up.
The DPAC set-up while performing a star-test.
Figure 4: The DPAC set-up while performing a star-test.

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Bath-interferometer Collimator DPAC Foucault-test Ronchi-test