2017 West facing sundialAs the 2012 South facing sundial disappears in the shadow of the gutter at around 5pm MET, a second dial was needed to indicate the summer-evening hours. For this I created a west-facing dial for the library-wall which has a perpendicular orientation to the house. Like with the previous dial a mock-up was made, after which the full-scale dial was made, again using laser engraving. As the library was already built in 2012, no recess was available to house the dial. Together with a mason we carefully cut the recess using a grinder. For this a grid of cuts was made which were subsequently taken out using a hammer and chisel. The dial is divided into 15 minutes intervals and shows the time in both MET winter and MET summer time. Winter time is shown along the upper edge, while the summer time is along the lower edge of the pattern. Apart from a few weeks around the equinoxes this means that in general the side of the equator where the gnomon's shadow falls indicates which side to use. Design featuresThe whole hours are annotated with Roman numerals in subtractive notation. In between them the half hours are marked with engraved diamonds. The quarters are indicated with thinner lines. Along the 14:30MET line an analemma is engraved with dots representing the first day of each month. The shadow of the 17 point nodus (17 for indicating the year of manufacture) provides the time of day and period of the year. In the lower-right corner a seahorse that holds a mariner's cross-staff is shown. The seahorse is the trade-symbol of the hydrographic surveyor, which I am, while the mariner's cross-staff represents the PhD-research I did for 17 years on that and related instruments. Together they represent me as the maker of this dial. At the lower left an anvil with a blacksmith's tong and hammer, combined with Brigid's cross, symbolises my wife, who is a blacksmith's daughter. One of the possible stories about Brigid's cross is that the Goddess Brigid (also known as Brigit or Brig), member of the Tuatha Dé Danann, the daughter of the Dagda and wife of Bres, created the cross on her father's deathbed. She was patroness of, among many other trades, blacksmiths in Celtic folklore, In that sense the cross represents my wife's relationship to her father. The location at the lower left was chosen as she instigated the construction of this dial and the Sun appears at this corner first. At the upper left the Latin motto Sine Sole Soleo (Without the sun, I am silent) is engraved. Below my logo Anno MMXVII indicates the year of creation. In case the gnomon ever gets damaged or lost, a new one can easily be reproduced as the dimension of it is shown in the sundial. The screw-hole of the gnomon is the exact perpendicular location where the nodus should sit, while a small brass round insert left of it (near the winter-time IV) represents the height of the nodus above the face of the sundial. If you have any questions and/or remarks please let me know. |
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2012 South facing sundial 2017 West facing sundial