White papers

This section contains a series of white papers that I wrote over the years since I started in astronomy. Initially I published these on the Dutch astrophotography forum StarryNight.nl, but as I increasingly referred to them on English fora like StargazersLounge.com I decided to publish them here in English.
The reason for that was that, although I suggested to open them in Chrome to have them automatically translated), these translations were at times quite confusing. Especially words like "kijker" ("scope" in English) were at times confusingly translated as gazer, viewer, binoculars, etc.
So, in July/August I finally found the time to translate all my white papers. To make the job easier I used Chrome for the job and corrected the resulting text for flaws in the translation. Being a non-native English speaker myself, there are bound to be many errors left, but I hope the text can be read easier now.
The reader is encouraged to contact me in case of gross errors or unclear texts. Simply follow the link at the bottom of each page to do so.
I have divided the papers into two categories: Those on the Hardware and those on the Imaging itself.
Enjoy reading!

If you have any questions and/or remarks please let me know.

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