Solar system

The Sun, Moon and the planets in their relative sizes as seen from Earth.
Figure 1: The Sun, Moon and the planets in their relative sizes as seen from Earth.
Although I am more interested in visual work, taking images of solar_system and Deep Sky objects is good fun as well. For the solar system imaging InFINNity Deck is equipped with a ZWO ASI174MM camera and a ZWO motorised Filter Wheel for 5 x 31 mm filters. The latter has been loaded with filters for Luminance, Red, Green and Blue.
Imaging the planets can be challenging, as most of them are quite small. Figure 1 shows their relative sizes compared to the Sun and Moon as seen from Earth. Whereas the Sun and Moon are relatively large and therefore easy to image, most other planets are rather tiny. Imaging those smaller objects in our solar system is normally done using the Celestron C11 with a 2 x PowerMate (combined focal length 5.6m).
Starting from 9 June 2018 images have been taken of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, as well as from the 2020 comet C/2020 F3 NEOWISE.

If you have any questions and/or remarks please let me know.

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Sun Mercury Venus Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus